Contractors' guide to new world of STBs


Engineering bosses have published a guide setting out the 'substantial' opportunities that sub-national transport bodies (STBs) provide for regional infrastructure delivery.

The Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) Transport Group, released the advice to help contractors understand their customers’ needs.


CECA director of external affairs, Marie-Claude Hemming, said her group had been working with STBs for some time to 'assist their progress towards statutory bodies'.

‘What our members will be looking for over the coming months is clear visibility of future workloads, and clarification as to which bodies will be procuring which projects. This is imperative in order to ensure resources are targeted in an efficient manner,' she added.

‘STBs are a fantastic opportunity for real growth led by those living and working in regions, and as such we continue to call on the UK Government to continue to support their development so that they can formulate policy priorities based on local needs.'

The document also draws together the key messages that CECA says will deliver maximum efficiency and innovation in project delivery.

  • a strong collaborative approach to delivery programmes
  • forward planning to manage resource and skills needs
  • supporting digitisation of new infrastructure and associated skills
  • driving forward the standardisation of solutions and maximisation of off-site manufacture where appropriate.

Transport for the North (TfN) became the first STB with statutory status in April. Others STBs in the Midlands, England’s Economic Heartland, and the South East are planning to become statutory bodies while STBs have also been mooted for other areas of England.

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